When a startup company outsources some of its work, it is usually for the short term. Often, the goal is to just fill the gaps while the business builds its internal team. But you might wonder at some point whether you can use it as a long-term solution. Let’s look at how this can be possible and how Virtua Outsourcing can help you achieve it.
Why A Startup Company Would Want Long-Term Outsourcing
The first question that will likely come to your mind is why you would want this setup. After all, once you have your in-house team all settled in, they can take over the work from the provider. But there are several reasons why you might want to go to this option.
This is arguably the simplest reason you might have. When you start working with a third-party provider, you will likely set up a unique working process with them. And transitioning from that routine into a new one after the tenure of the provider is over can be a tedious effort.
To avoid all that hassle, you might opt to retain the partner. Note that, even in this case, the partnership will still change. You will need to reassess the current relationship and create a new arrangement. But moving into this new setup would be far easier than having to start from scratch.
This one stems from the above reason. The idea is that if the outsourcing provider is already delivering your desired results, why would you want to stop working with them? By signing up with the provider for a longer period, you can be sure to achieve business goals faster and more effectively.
Future Value
Beyond your present-day needs, you might also want to foster long-term outsourcing relationships to take advantage of future developments. Keep in mind that providers are themselves not static entities. As their business grows, they will likely come up with new services and tools that would be beneficial to your startup company.
By forging a long-term relationship with them, you can even influence their growth. In return, you get new services that are tailored specifically for your business. This does require you to work with the provider more strategically. But returns will surely be worth the effort.
Setting Your Startup Company For Long Term Outsourcing
Of course, even if these reasons are enticing, getting into a long-term outsourcing contract is going to be a gamble. As such, your startup company should prepare. You should determine how the outsourcing decision will impact your overall business goals.
Getting The Right Provider
This planning begins with having the right kind of provider at the start. Take a look back at why you started outsourcing in the first place. Were you just looking for a way to meet current customer demand? Based on these reasons, you need to determine how to move from your initial working relationship with the provider into a long-term one.
For instance, look into a provider’s ability to handle larger work volumes. See if they are growing fast enough to match your potential needs. You can get this info by looking at the new clients they are getting. Are these the same as yours or is the company getting larger contracts?
You would also want to look into their talent pool. The ones the company has assigned to you will give you an idea of the level of expertise they have. You can also ask the provider about their recruitment process.
In Virtua Outsourcing Solutions, we embark on a rigorous hiring process to get the best recruits. We take a close look at each recruit’s professional background, as well as their specific skills. With that, we can provide the right talent for your company’s needs.
And we are continuously expanding our teams. With that, we can create the right-sized team for you. If you are looking for a long-term solution, we can also handle the hiring of additional personnel you need. With that, you get a team that will adapt to your changing needs.
It is also essential that your potential long-term outsourcing partner has the right management team. Here, you want someone with the leadership qualities to oversee the outsourcing partnership for the long run. You also need someone who has the foresight to advance your business through different changes in the future.
Our founders have been in the outsourcing field for more than a decade. Throughout those years, they have worked with various long-time clients. The experience they gained from these provided them with greater insights on handling such projects more effectively. They have since applied this management knowledge to the company’s regular clients.
Building Your Startup Company’s Long-Term Outsourcing Relationship
Once you have signed up with a provider, the next stage of creating a long-term relationship with them is building your roadmap for it. Discuss how you envision your business in the next five to ten years. You should then determine what role they will play in that roadmap.
Remember that this isn’t just about them completing the current work they have signed up for. You will also need to project what kind of future work they will need to do for you. This will give both parties an idea of how the partnership will evolve.

One particular area you need to think about the long-term partnership is in maintaining customer relationships. Since these relationships themselves take time to build, your outsourcing partner should be ready to take part in that process.
In our case, customer success is already one of the main services we offer to clients. This service covers all the different stages of the customer journey for clients. With our help, you can provide customers with the means to get the most out of your products.
Throughout the partnership, you and the provider should come together and review how everything is going. This would also be the time for you to review the roadmap and see whether it needs to change in light of current developments. That review typically happens every few years.
Chart The Long-Term Course Of Your Startup Company With Us
We at Virtua Outsourcing Solutions have made it our goal to help a startup company prosper. As such, if you are looking for a long-term partner, we are ready to become that one for you. Contact us today so we can start building that partnership.