Customer service is often a rather complex field, with various areas intertwining. And your startup business needs to have the right approach when dealing with this maze. This is where service design comes into play. But what is it exactly and how do you improve on it? Let’s explore this further.
Understanding Service Design
In its simplest definition, service design refers to the planning of the arrangement and makeup of the various components needed to deliver good service. Its goal is to create sustainable solutions that your startup company can implement regularly.
Image from Brightspot.
There are two aspects that service design focuses on. The first is directly improving the employee experience. Meanwhile, the second one is about indirectly improving customer experience through the impact of the first. These two come together to create a solution that delivers the company’s desired level of service.
Why Service Design Matters For Your Startup Business
Chances are, you already know how you want to deliver service. So, you might wonder why you should bother with the design. Here, you will find some fascinating benefits from the practice.
It Makes Spotting Errors Easier
Often, you might be too busy trying to cater to many customers that you fail to notice some errors in how you do things. These errors can eventually snowball into larger issues. With service design, identifying these issues becomes easy and more cost-effective.
Image from UseResponse.
Service design looks at the development of your service processes from the eyes of your customers. With that, you can better tailor your services to match customer needs. That also makes remedying those errors more effective.
It Improves The Customer Experience
Improving the customer experience isn’t just about ensuring a smooth journey for them. You would also want to lead your customer to the right path. Service designs help you make it happen by helping you make that experience consistent across all the channels they go through. You can also better plan out for alternate customer journeys.
Service Design Breaks Silos
A common mistake your startup business might make when doing customer service is creating silos within your various service departments. When these silos appear, the people within them might tend to not interact with other departments.
Image from LinkedIn.
These silos can eventually affect the overall service, as there is no coordination between the themes to assist the customer better. By using service design, you can better map out how the different departments should perform together. This also creates a more harmonious relationship within the company.
The Elements Of Services Design
At a first glance, service design might seem like a complicated topic. However, you can better grasp it when you familiarize yourself with its elements. These elements will serve as your startup company’s guide in developing your approach.
Market Research
To better cater to your customers, you want to understand their needs and wants fully. Substantial market research will help you better dig deeper into their mindsets. Note that market research is a continuous process, as your customers are ever-changing.
Service Strategy
Image from SlideBazaar.
You need a clear idea of what goals you want to achieve. And, no, it’s not just about “delivering good service.” You need to be detailed about what that “good service” looks like. That helps you better define the service path. Here, you also need to be forward-thinking and create long-term goals.
Business Processes And Design
Once you have created a roadmap for your service strategy, your next work is developing the associated processes. The work here covers the large scale like developing the various procurement and supply management systems. It also handles the smaller scale aspects such as designing user interfaces.
Customer Service And Experience
You are already well-acquainted with these two elements. But you still need to understand how they both come into play in the overall service design framework. Customer service is all about the implementation of all the strategies you develop. Meanwhile, customer experience relates to how that service impacts your patrons. Both come together to help create their impression of your startup company.
Service Marketing
Image from Mayple.
Doing good service alone is not enough. To draw more people to your brand, you should tell them how good that service is. Like product marketing, service marketing is all about promoting your unique brand. Here, you also need to be aware of the economics relating to that effort and how it will affect your entire service.
Creating A More Effective Service Design For Your Startup Business
With all those elements, you have a lot in your hands. As such, your startup company needs the right help in developing and implementing your service design. Virtua Solutions is ready to give you all the support you need for that effort.
Helping You Understand Your Startup Business Customers
With your customers being a dynamic bunch, you need to study them continuously. Virtua Solutions can provide you with the crew you need to launch your research. We can further expand your research team as needed for the work.
Image from Call Centre Helper.
But that doesn’t end there. Once your research data comes in, we can help you make sense of it. Our virtual assistants and customer support agents have years of experience working with different companies and businesses. We can provide independent insights into customer behavior and the right approaches.
Providing Comprehensive Customer Service Capabilities
The test of a good service design is, of course, in the implementation. Here, you need all the resources to ensure the success of that implementation. We are ready to assist you in all aspects relating to it.
Foremost is the extensive customer support services that we offer. These cover all the essential channels like live chat and social media. Additionally, we can assist in managing your self-service channels, ensuring they are always accessible to customers.

But more than traditional support, we are ready to create more customized processes for you. That is very handy for specialized customer support needs or novel approaches you might want to try. With our help, you can better test these new processes and integrate them more effectively into your customer service strategy.
Design The Best Customer Service Strategy For Your Startup Business
Customer service design is often long and continuing work. And for that, you need the right partner to help you in the effort. Virtua Solutions is always ready to lend you our expertise. Contact us today to know more.